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December 9, 2011

Filed under: tech»web

Trapped in WebGL

As a web developer, it's easy to get the feeling that the browser makers are out to get you (the standards groups definitely are). The latest round of that sinking feeling comes from WebGL which is, as far as I can tell, completely insane. It's a product of the same kind of thinking that said "let's literally just make SQLite the web database standard," except that for some reason Mozilla is going along with it this time.

I started messing with WebGL because I'm a graphics programmer who never really learned OpenGL, and that always bothered me a little. And who knows? While I love Flash, the idea of hardware-accelerated 3D for data visualization was incredibly tempting. But WebGL is a disappointment on multiple levels: it's completely alien to JavaScript development, it's too unsafe to be implemented across browsers, and it's completely out of place as a browser API.

A Square Peg in a JavaScript-shaped Hole

OpenGL was designed as an API for C a couple of decades ago, and even despite constant development since then it still feels like it. Drawing even a simple shape in OpenGL ES 2.0 (the basis for WebGL) requires you to run some inscrutable setup functions on the GL context using bit flags, assemble a shader program from vertex and fragment shaders written in a completely different language (we'll get to this later), then pass in an undistinguished stream of vertex coordinates as a flat, 1D array of floating point numbers. If you want other information associated with those vertices, like color, you get to pass in another, entirely separate, flat array.

Does that sound like sane, object-oriented JavaScript? Not even close. Yet there's basically no abstraction from the C-based API when you write WebGL in JavaScript, which makes it an incredibly disorienting experience, because the two languages have fundamentally different design goals. Writing WebGL requires you to use the new ArrayBuffer types to pack your data into buffers for the GL context, and acquire "pointers" to your shader variables, then use getter and setter functions on those pointers to actually update values. It's confusing, and not much fun. Why can't we just pass in objects that represent the vertexes, with x, y, z, vertex color, and other properties? Why can't the GL context hand us an object with properties matching the varying, uniform, and attribute variables for the shaders? Would it kill the browser, in other words, to pick up even the slightest amount of slack?

Now, I know that API design is hard and probably nobody at Mozilla or Google had the time to code an abstraction layer, not to mention that they're all probably old SGI hackers who can write GL code in their sleep. But it cracks me up that normally browser vendors go out of their way to reinvent the wheel (WebSockets, anyone?), and yet in this case they just threw up their hands and plunked OpenGL into the browser without any attempt at impedance matching. It's especially galling when there are examples of 3D APIs that are intended for use by object-oriented languages: the elephant in the room is Direct3D, which has a slightly more sane vertex data format that would have been a much better match for an object-oriented scripting language. Oh, but that would mean admitting that Microsoft had a good idea. Which brings us to our second problem with WebGL.

Unsafe at Any Speed

Microsoft has come right out and said that they won't add WebGL to IE for security reasons. And although they've caught a lot of flack for this, the fact is that they're probably right. WebGL is based on the programmable pipeline version of OpenGL, meaning that web developers write and deliver code that is compiled and run directly on the graphics card to handle scene transformation and rendering. That's pretty low-level access to memory, being granted to arbitrary people on the Internet, with security only as strong as your video driver (a huge attack surface that has never been hardened against attack). And you thought Flash was a security risk?

The irony as I see it is that the problem of hostile WebGL shaders only exists in the first place because of my first point: namely, that the browsers using WebGL basically just added direct client bindings to canvas, including forcing developers to write, compile, and link shader programs. A 3D API that was designed to abstract OpenGL away from JavaScript developers could have emulated the old fixed-function pipeline through a set of built-in shaders, which would have been both more secure and dramatically easier for JavaScript coders to tackle.

Distraction via Abstraction

Most programming is a question of abstraction. I try to train my team members at a certain level to think about their coding as if they were writing an API for themselves: write small functions to encapsulate some piece of functionality, test them, then wrap them in slightly larger functions, test those, and repeat until you have a complete application. Programming languages themselves operate at a certain level of abstraction: JavaScript hides a number of operating details from the developer, such as the actual arrangement of memory or threads. That's part of what makes it great, because managing those things is often a huge pain that's irrelevant to making your web application work.

Ultimately, the problem of WebGL is one of proper abstraction level. I tend to agree with JavaScript developer Nicolas Zakas that a good browser API is mid-level: neither so low that the developer has to understand the actual implementation, nor so high that they make strong assumptions about usage patterns. I would argue that WebGL is too low--that it requires developers to effectively learn a C API in a language that's unsuited for writing C-style code, and that the result is a security and support quagmire.

In fact, I suspect that the reason WebGL seems so alien to me, even though I've written C and Java code that matched its style in the past, is that it's actually a lower-level API than the language hosting it. At the very minimum, a browser API should be aligned with the abstraction level of the browser scripting language. In my opinion, that means (at the very least) providing a fixed-function pipeline, using arrays of native JavaScript objects to represent vertex lists and their associated data, and providing methods for loading textures and data from standard image resources.

In Practice (or, this is why I'm still a Flash developer)

Let me give an example of why I find this entire situation frustrating--and why, in many ways, it's a microcosm of my feelings around developing for so-called "HTML5." Urban Artistry is working on updating our website, and one of the artistic directors suggested adding a spinning globe, with countries where we've done international classes or battles marked somehow. Without thinking too much I said sure, I could do that.

In Flash, this is a pretty straightforward assignment. Take a vector object, which the framework supports natively, color parts of it, then either project that onto the screen using a variation of raycasting, or actually load it as a texture for one of the Flash 3D engines, like PaperVision. All the pieces are right there for you, and the final size of the SWF file is probably about 100K, tops. But having a mobile-friendly site is a new and exciting idea for UA, so I thought it might be nice to see if it could be done without Flash.

In HTML, I discovered, fewer batteries come included. Loading a vector object is easy in browsers that support SVG--but for Android and IE, you need to emulate it with a JavaScript library. Then you need another library to emulate canvas in IE. Now if you want to use WebGL or 3D projection without tearing your hair out, you'd better load Three.js as well. And then you have to figure out how to get your recolored vector image over into texture data without tripping over the brower's incredibly paranoid security measures (hint: you probably can't). To sum up: now you've loaded about half a meg of JavaScript (plus vector files), all of which you have to debug in a series of different browsers, and which may not actually work anyway.

When faced with a situation like this, where a solution in much-hated Flash is orders of magnitude smaller and easier to code, it's hard to overstate just how much of a setback HTML development can be--and I say that as someone who has grown to like HTML development much more than he ever thought possible. The impression I consistently get is that neither the standards groups nor the browser vendors have actually studied the problems that developers like me commonly rely on plugins to solve. As a result, their solutions tend to be either underwhelming (canvas, the File APIs, new semantic elements) or wildly overcomplicated (WebGL, WebSQL, Web Sockets, pretty much anything with a Web in front of it).

And that's fine, I'll still work there. HTML applications are like democracy: they're the worst platform possible, except for most of the others. But every time I hear someone tell me that technologies like WebGL make plugins obsolete, my eyes roll so hard I can see my optic nerve. The replacements I'm being sold aren't anywhere near up to the tasks I need to perform: they're harder to use, offer me less functionality and lower compatibility, and require hefty downloads to work properly. Paranoid? Not if they're really out to get me, and the evidence looks pretty convincing.

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