A month from now, Google will shut down Reader, leaving RSS addicts in the lurch. I suspect this will be both more and less disruptive than anticipated: expect replacement services to go through another set of growing pains, but RSS isn't exactly a high lock-in situation, and most people will find a new status quo fairly quickly.
I am not eager to move from one hosted service to another (once burned, twice shy), nor do I want to go back to native applications that can't share progress, so as soon as the shutdown was announced I started working on a self-hosted RSS reader. I applied the same techniques I'd used for Big Fish Unlimited: an easy-to-configure router, a series of views talking to the database only through model classes, and heavy use of closures for dependency management and callbacks. I built a wrapper around PHP's dismal cURL library. It was a nice piece of architecture.
It also bogged down very, very quickly. My goal was a single-page application with straightforward database queries, but I was building the foundation for a sprawling, multi-page site. Any time I started to dip in and add functionality, I found myself frustrated by how much plumbing I needed in order to do it "the right way." I was also annoyed by the difficulty of safely requesting a large number of feeds in parallel in PHP. The language just isn't built for that kind of task, even with the adaptations and improvements that have been pasted on.
This week I decided to start over, this time using Node.js and adopting a strict worse is better philosophy. When I use Reader, 99% of my time is spent in "All Items" pressing the spacebar (or, on mobile, clicking "Mark Items as Read") to advance the stream. So I made that functionality my primary concern, and wrote only as much as I needed to (both in terms of code size and elegance) to make that happen. In two days, I've gotten farther than I had with the PHP, and I'm much happier with the underlying platform as well--Node is unsurprisingly well suited to firing off tens and hundreds of concurrent requests.
I've just posted the work-in-progress code for the application, which I'm calling Weir (just barely winning out over "Audrey II"), to a public GitHub repo. It is currently ugly, badly-documented, and patchy in places. The Angular code I'm using for the front-end is obviously written by a someone with very little experience using the library. There's lots of room for improvement. On the other hand, my momentum is very good. By next week, I expect Weir will be good enough for me to dogfood it full time, and at that point improvements will come naturally whenever I need to smooth out the rough edges.
I like this way of working--"worse is better"--quite a bit. It's not always pretty, but it seems effective so far. It also fits in well with my general coding style, which is (perhaps unsurprisingly) on the left-ish side of Steve Yegge's developer politics. I like elegance and architecture as much as the next person, but when it all comes down to it, there's no point in elegant code that never gets used.
Writing my own Reader alternative is also proving educational. The conventional wisdom is that RSS readers benefit greatly from running at scale: operations like feed retrieval can be performed once for all subscribers, spreading the costs out. The flip side is that you're at the mercy of the server bot for when you get updates. High-frequency feeds, such as politics or news, get batched up instead of coming in as they're posted. I'm also able to get a lot more feedback on which feeds are dead, which came as a surprise: Reader just swallowed the errors whole. All in all, I doubt the experience will be any worse.
Currently, Weir isn't much good for public consumption. I've made a sanitized copy of my config file in the repo, but there's no setup script for the database, and no import step for getting your subscriptions loaded up. I hope to have that ready soon, and the code is licensed under the GPL, so pull requests and feature suggestions are welcomed as it becomes usable for other people.