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April 3, 2015

Filed under: tech»education

What's advanced?

Next week, I'll start teaching ITC 298 at Seattle Central College. It's the first special topics class I've actually gotten to teach (a previous class on tooling couldn't get enough students), and it's on a topic near and dear to my heart: namely, intermediate to advanced JavaScript. But what does that actually mean? If web development were a medieval blacksmith shop, what would you need to know in order to move beyond "apprentice" and hit the road as a journeyman? What is it that separates a jQuery dabbler from a serious front-end coder?

The honest answer is "about five years of practice," but that's not the whole story (nor is it something I can take to a curriculum planning committee). I think there are two areas of growth that students need to be aware of, and that I'm planning on stressing for this quarter: tooling and functional programming.


Rebecca Murphey recently wrote a revised baseline for front-end developers, just as I was putting together my syllabus. It's still a great guide to the state of the art, even if I don't agree with everything in it. But I would add that modern JavaScript applications tend to be built on three pillars that students need to understand:
  • Server code written in NodeJS,
  • Client code built on top of some kind of MVC, and
  • A build system (also in Node) that weaves the two together.

Learning their way around this trio is going to be a huge challenge for my students, most of whom still live in a world where individual files are edited and sent to the browser as-is (possibly with a PHP include or two). They haven't built applications with RESTful routes, or written client-side code in a module system. SCC hasn't typically stressed those techniques, which is a shame.

I'm happy to be the person who forces students into the deep end, but I do want to make sure they have a good, structured experience. Throwing everything at students is a quick way to make sure that they get overwhelmed and give up (not a hypothetical scenario: the previous ITC 298 class had exactly that problem, and ended poorly). To ease them in, we'll try building the following sequence of exercises in our directed lab sessions:

  1. simple Node script with callbacks
  2. scraper using async/events/streams
  3. basic site using Hapi.js
  4. authenticated site with session-handling
  5. Grunt scripts to build JavaScript with Browserify
  6. simple MVC with Backbone

The progression starts with Node, and then builds out gradually so that each step conceptually depends on a previous lesson. Along the way, students will learn a lot about how to structure an application across all three of these environments — which brings us to the second, and probably harder, focus of the class.

Functional programming

Undoubtably, students need to have a better grasp of JavaScript fundamentals ("the good parts") if they're to be considered intermediate front-end devs. But how do we break down those fundamentals? We could concentrate on inheritance and object orientation, or think of everything as MVC. Maybe we could spend a bunch of time on modules, or deep-dive into how to write high-performance DOM code. Murphey recommends learning ES2015 features, like fat arrows and destructuring. All of these are important pieces of the JavaScript toolkit, but they are more patterns available for use, not core theoretical knowledge.

The heart of the language, however, remains the humble function. Where other languages have modules, private/static properties, blocks, async/await, classes, and list comprehensions, JavaScript just has first-class functions. Astonishingly, this has actually worked out pretty well, but it means you do really need to understand them in order to read and write code — particularly on Node, where callbacks are still the preferred method of handling concurrency.

Typically, functional coding has been one of the more difficult concepts to introduce in my basic class: we spend some time about halfway through the quarter implementing Array.forEach(), and we wire up a lot of event listeners. Map/reduce usually overwhelms most students, however, and call/apply gets a lot of blank stares. These are literally unavoidable in a well-written, modern JavaScript codebase: we have to find a way to approach them if students are to reach the next stage of their professional development.

The hard part of writing for Node is that you must embrace some degree of functional programming: the continuation-passing style used in the core APIs makes it inescapable. But the great part of writing for Node (especially as the first section of the course) is that it's actually a fairly gentle ramp-up. Callback functions are not that far from event listeners, and the ubiquitous async library softens the difficulty of mapping an array functionally. Between the two, there's no shortage of practice, since there's literally no other way to write a Node program.

That's the other strategy behind the tooling sequence I've laid out. We'll start from Node, and then build toward increasingly complex functional constructs, like modules, constructors, and promises. By the time the class have finished their final projects, they should be old hands at callbacks and closures, which will serve them well in almost any language.

The plan

Originally, I joked with people that we'd spend six weeks reading JavaScript: the Good Parts and then six weeks building a chat application. Two students would have enjoyed this, and the rest would have followed me home and murdered me in my sleep. But the two-part plan laid out in this post hopefully marries the practical and the theoretical in a way that will help students grow. They'll learn about the intricacies of JavaScript's functional quirks, but they'll do so by building real applications to solve real problems.

The specifics of this quarter are still a little bit in flux, and will likely remain so, since I think it's good to be flexible the first time teaching a class. But if you're interested in following along, feel free to check out the class repo, which contains the syllabus, supporting materials, and example code so far. Issues and pull requests are also welcome!

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